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Bibliography: Bienvenidos

“Game Programming Patterns” from Robert Nystrom.

This book is one of the coolest guides that I have recently included in my library, as at the same time that the author explains deeply about the main programming patterns existing nowadays he makes it with a productive sense of humor, making the reading fluent and funny.

I personally found a few interesting concepts such as “dirty flag” for optimizing, ring buffers, spatial partition, finite state machines and basic ideas like “1. Allocation, 2.Initialization”.

A full recommended reading to widen knowledge in programming and Game Design.


“Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects”

“Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects” is an useful book when starting or widening knowledge about Shader writing in Unity.

The book is presented in “recipes” format. Through these recipes John P. Doran and Alan Zucconi show how to create specific Shaders for a specific function at the same time that they go through the theory of it to understand the background.

This way the book goes through the basics of Surface Shaders, Vertex-Fragment Shaders, Screen Shaders, as well as the theory of PBR Shaders and Unity tools like Shader Graph and Post Processing.

An useful tool to have in the library for a shortcut to the most common Shaders knowledge.


"Game Mechanics; Advanced Game Design"

This is one of the last books I've had the pleasure to finish and that I feel it is really worth sharing.
Ernest Adams and Joris Dormans go deeply in the mechanics' analysis and design, going through theory and examples of well-known games.
I personally discovered through the book a useful mechanics classification based on "Progression VS Emergence", widening the strategies while Game Designing.
Furthermore the book introduces the "Machniations Tool" (A powerful testing and desining tool) and includes a "Design Patterns Library" worth having next to you while Game Designing
A recommended powerful tool worth having in the library.


“Videogame Design – Michael Salmond”

It is a general sum up of the whole process of doing a videogame (Concept, creation, business models, psychology of games…)

One of the most interesting points is the “Skinner’s box and the operant conditioning”, where Burhus F. Skinner showed through an experiment that “random rewards are motivating”.

An ideal book when willing to have a general overview of what is a videogame in all of its fields.


“Grokking Algorithms – Aditya Bhargava”

It is the perfect book when starting to have a general overview about Algorithms and how they get done.

The book introduces the main concepts when working with algorithms like the “big O notation”, Quicksorting, hash functions, Dijkstra… and explains how Arrays, Lists and Hash tables (Dictionaries) are managed in memory, differentiating their pros and cons.

Recommended when starting with the basics of developing Algorithms.


 “Sprint – Solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days” one of my favourites reading about agile methodologies.

In this book, Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz share their experience in the development of this methodology through their experience in Google Ventures helping other companies like Slack, Blue Bottle Coffee and Savioke to test their ideas.

They explain how a single objective is set for every day, how the “brain storming” can evolve to voted individual ideas and why is better to build a prototype before the product to test and optimize resources.

A great method with useful ideas when thinking about a “minimum viable product”


“Game Development Patterns with Unity 2019” by David Baron is a Hands-On book focused on a practical and direct use for Game programming in Unity (C#).

The book includes an updated perspective of the main game programming patterns used in the gaming industry (the Game Loop, the Singleton, the Prototype, the Spatial Partition…) with easy use cases to understand and code example to see it in action. For the purpose, the author works with built-in Unity (C#) concepts like “Interfaces” and “Constructors”.

Furthermore, the author includes a chapter about the “Antipatterns”, those given patterns that end up causing trouble in your code.

A good recommendation to stay up to date on how the programming patterns get adapted to the Unity Game Engine.

Bibliography: Trabajos recientes
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